
How is Not the Right Religious Question

May 27, 2018  | 


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Nicodemus comes to Jesus wanting an answer to the question "How."  How can one be born again? How can I get into heaven.  How can I believe?  Jesus answers his question with a birth story.  It is not about what you doctrine your hold.  It is not about what works you perform.  It is about your willingness and vulnerability to be born.  You can't birth yourself.  Only the author of life can give you birth from above.  Embrace what you have already been given.

The Purpose of Love: Inclusive or Exclusive

March 11, 2018  | 


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"For God so loved the World that he gave his only son, the everyone who believes will not perish but have eternal life." Why is it that so many make the issue about those who are perishing instead of the persuasive power of the Gospel to save?  Within the context of the story of Nicodemus, I think we can find the context to better understand the communal nature of the gospel message and its power to save us.