Christian Discipleship for Adults and Central Kids

Adult Education classes are held in the Chapel or Parlor before or after Sunday worship, depending on what course is being offered. Brief videos are often used as a springboard for discussion. We also offer adult education opportunities online via zoom. For more information about online options or to get the zoom link, contact the church office.

Adult education sessions include a variety of topics of interest to the congregation, ranging from Bible study, to theological concepts, to how our faith interacts with world events. We listen to a variety of voices, and seek to grow our faith by engaging with art and poetry as well. Recent topics  have included: interfaith conversations, the death penalty, racism, good stewardship, grief, spiritual practices, and climate change. Click here for a description of current course offerings.”

Sunday School for elementary school-age children and older takes place every Sunday during the academic year (September through early June) following the children’s message in worship. On Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of the month, children will remain in the Sanctuary so they may participate in the sacrament. Younger children have activities for them in the children’s worship space in the Sanctuary.